Interview blunder: ‘Talk about…’
Much to my chagrin, I have witnessed several local television reporters over the past six months throw out this less-than-professional...

The third quadrant
Don’t use terminology your subordinates do not understand: Sadly, the following is a true story. A company holds an annual retreat for...

Employees are your customers
Treat employees fairly, but not necessarily the same: U.S. General H. Norman Schwarzkopf is best known for leading coalition forces as...

Meetings: Leave your devices at your desk
I recently heard a story about a departmental meeting in which an attendee was asked a question by his boss, but did not reply. He wasn’t...

Trump’s war against the media
Donald Trump’s parents didn’t create Donald Trump, the media created Donald Trump: Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald...

Create social media policies for your journalists
Journalists often become celebrities Readers, listeners and viewers often feel they have a personal relationship with reporters. They...

Management: Recruit your own team members
Recruit and recruit often Q: Why should you recruit your own staff members? A: You want to recruit your own staff members because you are...

Management: Don't do this
The path to effective, successful management is a long and confusing route. There are many traps to be avoided along the way, especially...

Management: The importance of training
Learning is based on experience and education. I know this but I still can't seem to accept it. For example, I get so frustrated when my...

Introduction: You just can’t wing-it
I’ve learned one thing about human nature: people will surprise you. No matter how much you think you know about human nature, someone...