Newsroom Configuration: RIA Novosti (2009)

This 2009 photo of the bright, circular newsroom configuration with center island is that of Russian news agency RIA Novosti (Russian Information Agency News) in Moscow. RIA Novosti went through many transformations and had a long history of providing and distributing information until 2013 when Russian President Vladimir Putin liquidated the agency and merged it with the international radio services, creating Rossiya Segodnya (Russia Today) to “provide information on Russian state policy and Russian life and society for audiences abroad.” The agency features an abundance of presentations from the viewpoint of leaders in Russia’s hierarchy, as well as numerous well-crafted and polished news and feature pieces. In 2014, the agency launched the multimedia platform Sputniknews, creating, which is a beautiful and functional news website. Meanwhile, Rossiya Segodnya continues to operate a version of RIA Novosti with the site
Photo by Jürg Vollmer/Maiakinfo
Newsroom Leader is seeking leads for its ongoing Newsroom Configuration feature. Newsroom and studio configurations will be considered from newspapers, magazines, television stations, radio stations, news bureaus and online news sites. If you would like your newsroom or studio featured on Newsroom Leader, please send the following to
Photo of the newsroom or studio
Brief description including location
Approximate dimensions
Number of workstations or news desks