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Welcome to Newsroom Leader

Newsroom Leader was created to provide resources and guidance to newsroom managers. In addition, we hope that newsroom managers will share their experiences through the Newsroom Leader network because we all share similar challenges. It’s our wish that we can learn from one another.

While this site’s bread and butter will remain news management, leadership and planning, it will soon focus on techniques for news gathering, formatting, news presentation and projection of the news (broadcasting, posting and distribution).

The Newsroom Configuration feature will allow viewers an inside look at news operations around the world, and the Featured Leader Q&A pieces will offer a variety of concepts from today’s newsroom leaders.

Items that promise to be the most popular include the showcasing of journalism’s best veterans as well as its rising stars: Meet the Pros, Student Journalists and Emerging Talent.

The content you are viewing today is just a start. Please visit often to learn more about some truly fascinating people in the news industry.

John Gregory

Publisher and director of content

Newsroom Leader

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